English-Speaking Students Tutor appointed at WSPA

The University College of Enterprise and Administration in Lublin has seen a steady increase in the number of foreign students studying in Polish and English. 

In order to meet the needs of the college’s international community, we appointed English-Speaking Students Tutor, whose task is to strengthen the adaptation and integration of the international student community, as well as to support students in issues related to functioning at the college or outside it. Appointing a new position, we want to increase support of students with other cultural backgrounds, reinforcing the college as a committed and caring place, providing our students with a sense of security and comfort in their new environment.

The role of the guardian is currently performed by Ms. Agnieszka Trepkowska.



English-Speaking Students Tutor appointed at WSPA

English-Speaking Students Tutor appointed at WSPA

  • Acts as a liaison between the university and English-speaking students, monitoring their needs, expectations and concerns, relaying them to the university authorities, providing feedback and facing challenges.
  • Assists with cultural and language orientation to help students adjust to the university environment and better understand Polish culture, providing advice and guidance on health and safety, social and cultural issues.
  • Provides informational support to help incoming students understand applicable policies and how to navigate college procedures, regulations and resources.
  • Facilitates students’ contacts with relevant college departments to provide them with the support they need to organize their lives and studies.
  • Supports integration activities undertaken by students and the college.
  • Acts as the contact person for students in case of crisis situations.
  • Organizes workshops before important holidays celebrated in Poland, introducing Polish culture.
  • Organizes events integrating the student community, including: international days.
  • Explains how to function at the university and familiarizes with the structure of the university.
  • Informs about current cultural events in Lublin.
  • On duty from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, in room 104, on the first floor, contact: a.trepkowska@wspa.pl
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