Erasmus+ Program opportunities:
What countries can you go to?
As an Erasmus+ scholarship holder, you can go on an internship and/or study exchange to the following countries – Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and additionally: Turkey, Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia.
How long can you leave for?
For a period of 2 to 12 months within the entire period of bachelor’s/engineering studies (depending on the budget level). In case of continuation of studies (master’s degree), the student has again 12 months to use within the framework of Erasmus+ program. A single internship usually lasts about 2-3 months, study exchange usually 1 semester – students can go several times, e.g. choosing different companies/countries, etc. to broaden their qualifications. If there are spare funds, it is possible to extend the duration of the internship abroad.
The pool of 12 months includes all months spent abroad as part of Erasmus+, internships, studies, regardless of the university from which the person is leaving! If you are studying at 2 universities at the same time, the limit remains the same (12 months during the entire period of study at a given level) – the length does not increase for more universities. The rule is fixed – up to 12 months during undergraduate studies and again up to 12 months during graduate studies.
How much is the scholarship?
Countries participating in the Erasmus+ program are divided into three groups depending on the cost of living. The monthly scholarship rate for each group:
Exact amount of scholarship is calculated by the Beneficiary Module system. The system calculates it per day of the physical mobility plus 2 days for travel plus additional amount as contribution in travel costs. The amount of the later depends on the distance from Lublin to the city of internship, calculated by the distance calculator tool: The contribution is in the amount of 28EUR (from 10 to 99km), 211EUR (from 100 to 499km), 309EUR (from 500 to 1999km), 395EUR (from 2000 to 2999km). Those students who decide to travel by low emission vehicles such as coach, train or car-pooling may apply for higher contribution to travel costs, so called “green travel”, in amount of (accordingly): 56 EUR, 285EUR, 417EUR, 535EUR.
What with social or Rector’s scholarship during internship/study abroad?
Students eligible for social or/and Rector’s scholarship do not lose their right to receive it when on Erasmus+ mobility for study or internship. These scholarships remain paid as usual during students mobility abroad. Students who are eligible for social scholarship and students with disabilities can receive upgraded scholarship with additional 250 EUR per month.