Changing the tuition fees

Dear students,

From April 1, 2022, there is a change in tuition fees

Please read the following regulations.

Order on changing the tuition fees for 2019/2020, 2020/2021, and 2021/2022 intakes at The University of Enterprise and Administration in Lublin.

To calculate the difference to pay you can use a formula:

Payment per semester:


where x is the new tuition fee price,

y is the previous tuition fee price,

there are 5 months of the semester and 3 left of this academic year.

Example: 3*[(1155/5)-(1100/5)=3*(231-220)=3*11=33 Euro

Payment per year:


Example: 3*[(2100/9)-(2000/9)=3*(233,33-222-22)=3*11,11=33,33 Euro

where x is the new tuition fee price,

y is the previous tuition fee price,

there are 9 months of the academic year and the 3 months that are left of this academic year.

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